Saving Face


Let’s talk makeup removal. I am one to fully admit that washing my face after a long day is the last thing I want to do. For years I lived one makeup wipe at a time. I tried to take the easy way out. And then, I read an article, did some research, and let my wasteful, I’ve-single-handily-ruined-the-environment, guilt set in.

With cities and towns banning plastic bags left and right, and re-re-recycling songs sung in schools, and mandated in most places, why-oh-why is one of the biggest contributors of waste, not openly spoken about.

There are very few sustainable makeup wipe brands out there, and they certainly are not basic brand knowledge.

Here’s a little “did-you-know” moment:

  • Makeup wipes aren’t really cleaning your skin. They are doing a whole lot of smearing dirt and oils around, taking off only surface level makeup.

  • Irritation, breakouts, and a dull skin appearance can all be partially blamed on makeup wipes, if this is your sole source of cleansing.

  • In order to attempt to take off the day’s makeup, you have to wipe pretty hard. This is no bueno for your delicate skin. Overtime you can not only cause irritation, but premature wrinkling.

  • THEY CONTRIBUTE TO PREMATURE WRINKLES. (It deserved another bullet point for the people in the back).

  • Wet wipes in all forms are behind over 90% of sewer blockages.

  • Wipes are building up in our oceans, and causing mass destruction to our environment.

  • Wet wipes can last up to 500 hundred years. Do you really need to leave proof of your epic winged liner and killer contour for generations to come?

Convenient and Environmentally Conscious

But, but, I’m lazy. And adding to a nighttime routine is a nightmare.

Girl, I get it. And I’m here to help.

I may be late to the game, but I was recently introduced to The Original Makeup Eraser. My world will never be the same. Products like this are the very reason I feel compelled to blog and share with the world. I love it so much that I am gifting them to all of my friends, because I firmly believe everyone needs it. My skin has never looked better, since I began using my makeup eraser.

First off, it’s cute as hell. You can pick from a range of colors and patterns. There’s even minis for on the go travel, or to stash in your bag for an “unplanned” sleepover. But it is so much more.

Here are the facts:

  • This cloth takes off EVERYthing. Waterproof mascara? No problem. Every day glam? Good to go. Facepaint? (um, I want an invite next time). It’s got you, boo.

  • It’s two faced. One side (shorter cloth) removes makeup, while the other side (longer cloth) gently exfoliates and dries the skin.

  • No chemicals!

  • It does not collect bacteria or odor. It is large enough that you can use it in sections, and then throw it in the wash to clean.

  • It does not require special detergent. You can wash it up to 1,000 times!

  • You are saving so much money that you can spring for that new eye shadow palette

If you need more convincing, here is a quick video of me taking off my makeup with my coveted Original Makeup Eraser.

I promise that I will only ever share products that I truly believe in. I hope this helps spread some happiness in your life, like it does in mine.

As always, if I didn’t cover something or you have topic specific questions, comment below. I’m here to help.


Nice Buns


The Blonde Bible