5 Things To Know Before Your Next Hair Appointment

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1.Get Inspired

I know we want our stylists to be magicians and come up with the perfect look that is customized to you, but we are not mind readers. If you come into your appointment completely uninspired, we’re searching in the dark.

I tell my clients constantly, to do their research. The internet and social media can be a wonderful source of hair inspiration. Use it. Fall down the rabbit hole of hair-eye-candy . Get sucked into the black hole of the different spellings of balayage, or swim in the vast, drool-worthy food named hair color pool.

If that is all gibberish to you, grab a glass of wine and bon voyage, my friend.

Pictures are a great form of communication when we don’t know how to exactly describe what you want. I recommend finding at least three pictures, preferably from various angles, to help communicate your vision clearly. Even if you can’t achieve the look in one session, it will give you, and your stylist, a fun goal to work towards.

2.Honesty Is The Only Policy

Brace yourself.


I know you want to forget it, but…

Remember that one night, six months ago, when you downed two bottles of wine and just had to dye your hair the exact color of your merlot, because (insert reason here; bad breakup, lost job, fight with a friend, the world ending, etc), and it “definitely faded” or “grew/washed out”?

It didn’t. 6 months is only 1.5-3” of regrowth, and your stylist definitely needs to know.

We get it. We see it all the time. We just need you to fess up before we do any unnecessary damage to your hair. Your hair’s health and integrity is our top priority. These things actually matter. Every stylist has a horror story from a client fibbing about color/chemical services done. And I’m confident that every client didn’t realize they were jeopardizing their hair’s health by telling a big little lie.

Communicating hair truths aren’t limited to coloring (and yes, coloring includes if you tried out another stylist and had professional color done), this goes for straightening services, perms or relaxers as well.

We also want to know if you’re experiencing anything different like thinning hair, hair loss, dry/itchy scalp, or any other strange occurrence. These things matter to us, and we want to make sure that your scalp and hair are healthy and ready for all those amazing after pictures.

3.Communication Is Key, But Skip The Jargon

I know your bff from high school, who went to cosmetology school, told you that you need a level seven. And your niece said you absolutely need baby lights. Oh, and I believe you when you tell me you learned how to cut exactly three layers from watching YouTube. Please, I beg you, let us do our job.

Unfortunately things can get really confusing when you use terminology that is industry specific. What you see as ashy blonde, could in fact be a beige or champagne blonde. What you see as a one length cut, could have strategically placed layering. Or that pic you’ve been eyeing could be an unachievable, photoshopped wig. Use clear descriptions, ask questions, and show your pictures.

This will come as no shocker, but you have to speak up. Do you feel like you want a bit more layering? More angles? Your bangs aren’t quite as short as you’d like? Don’t be afraid to say something. Your stylist is only human. And we really care about your happiness. It’s kind of our job.

We only know as much as you tell us. I promise, we can handle it.

4. Sometimes It Clicks, Sometimes It Doesn’t

It happens. You finally find a stylist that just gets you, they feel like family. They know your hair, and your selfies have never been better. Then, boom, life happens. A job offer happens, and you need to move. How will you ever find a new stylist?

First, don’t be afraid to ask your former stylist for recommendations. Its a big industry, but a small world. We may know someone.

Always do your research. Seek out a salon that calls to you, and read reviews. Go online, look for hair that is similar to your own style. Do not be afraid to admit when it is not the right fit.

BUT, you need to work with the stylist. Sometimes things just don’t click, and that’s okay. If you weren’t feeling the vibe, move on. However, at times you can really click and mesh with a stylist, but there are some things you’d like to tweak with your hair. If you are committed to trying again, I guarantee that stylist will welcome any of your feelings and will adjust to make it work. Use the above tools, bring pictures, be honest, communicate clearly. A relationship with your stylist is always a working one. Like any relationship, it takes two, and you need to keep things exciting.

If you are constantly stylist hopping because “no one can do your hair”, you are actually not giving any stylist a chance to actually adjust and get it right.

5. Be Realistic

This is a tough pill to swallow, but we can not make you look like the picture. I’m sorry. We really wish we could, but we can’t.

Look for styles that are within reason. Sure we can put in extensions and make your hair any color of the rainbow, but it may not look the same on you as it does in the picture.

Search for looks that are done on the same kind of hair as yours. Be honest about your hair type.

You need to also be realistic about your commitment to styling and maintenance. Bangs are fun, but are you going to style them every day, when you can’t remember the last time you touched your blow dryer? Platinum hair is cool, until you realize you need to come in every 3-4 weeks to touch up your roots. Can you commit that time and monetary investment?

Talk to your stylist about home care and upkeep expectations before you commit to the new style. Live your best hair life without regrets. Your friends don’t want to recirculate impulsive bangs memes.

Most importantly, hair, at the end of the day, is just hair. It should be fun, and your stylist wants to help you love your hair. Now go out into the world and get the Pinterest pic worthy hair of your dreams.

As always, if I did not cover something in this post or you have any questions, please comment below or send me an email.. I’m here to help.




Summer Hair Care